Firstly, our bodies are meant to be exercised so if we don’t exercise our body is not in balance. There are 4 key things that the body needs to stay in balance: balanced diet, hydration, adequate rest and exercise. If you think of this like the four legs of a chair, if one of them is missing the body is out of balance.
It has been well documented that when you are trying to lose weight, 80% is achieved by nutrition and 20% is achieved by exercise. However, that 20% is key to the overall result and you will achieve a much better result by incorporating exercise into your regime. If you are someone who currently does no exercise and is out of shape, my advice is to start slowly and build it up. Good advice is to aim to fit in half an hour every day if you can so that it becomes a habit. Even if it’s just a gentle walk. Just keep walking half an hour a day and you will find in time you can walk farther in that half hour. So rather than trying to push yourself to build it up to an hour for example, half an hour should be manageable most days and doesn’t impinge too much on your time. Of course everyone is individual and choose your exercise to suit you. But the best advice is to start somewhere and build it up.
You will feel so much better and will start to make progress with your weight loss. Some of the key benefits are:
By increasing muscle which is helped by exercise (in addition to eating sufficient amounts of protein), you will burn more calories naturally thus helping the metabolism. You will also improve your shape so you will fit into clothes better. You will help the circulation therefore helping your heart and reducing the risk of heart attack, stroke, type two diabetes, colon cancer, and high blood pressure. In particular it is so important to reduce visceral fat – 0r belly fat – which is a key contributor to the listed diseases.
Other benefits include just generally feeling better – exercise helps release the “happy endorphins” so you will help to improve your mood! To be honest, if you want a good weight loss result then you need to get moving! Find the exercise that you enjoy and keep doing it! The more you move the better result you will get! Your energy should also improve as you get fitter.
I suggest investing in a good pedometer or a wrist band that tracks your steps. The recommended number of steps is 10,000 steps per day and regardless of how near or far away from that number you are it’s great to have a goal to work towards. Tracking your progress is really important.
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