Success Stories

“The support from Margaret has been amazing. I am quite a closed person and it takes time for me to open up to people. That’s why working with Margaret works so well for me. I would feel lost in a class. The support Margaret gives me each week is the key to me staying on track. This program really works for me and my lifestyle. I would recommend Margaret to anyone but remember you have to do the work. Margaret is a fantastic support!”
– Ann

Best Of My Blogs
Happy New Year and welcome to 2021!
On this first month of 2021, I’m giving you some tips to help you to understand how to “go with the flow” instead of resisting your goals. As few as 2% of “dieters” manage to [...]
Welcome to 2019!
Happy New Year and welcome to 2019! On this first day of 2019, I'm giving you some tips to help you to understand how to "go with the flow" instead of resisting your goals. As [...]
How To Stay On Track When Dining Out
How To Stay On Track When Dining Out Make sure to eat during the day so you are not over-hungry by the time you eat. Usually if you are dining out, you are [...]
25 Great Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off
25 Great Tips for Losing Weight and Keeping It Off ✓ Have your body fat and muscle mass measured and focus on reducing body fat and increasing muscle mass rather than overall weight [...]
How To Lose Visceral Fat
Visceral fat can increase the risk of many diseases such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, dementia, and depression among others so it is really important to lose excess visceral fat. Some slimming [...]
Tips for adding in foods when losing weight
Be in the right mindset when losing weight by adding in foods, not feeling deprived by not allowing yourself to eat!
Why its so important to eat breakfast!
I was chatting to a friend last night who told me she never eats breakfast! We all know we should eat breakfast but here are some of the reasons why! Hope you enjoy! Talk soon [...]
How to stay on track even on your birthday!
Hi there Hope you enjoy my video on a few tips to stay on track even on your birthday while its snowing! Birthday post in the snow Thanks for watching!